April Book Review - "The Smudging and Blessings Book"

Posted by Maxwell Eugene on

Monk and Moon

April 2018 Book Review

“The Smudging and Blessings Book – Inspirational Rituals to Cleanse and Heal”

Author- Jane Alexander


A practical approach to understand the history of space clearing (smudging) and other sacred rituals, with easy to understand guidance on how to incorporate many sacred traditions into modern lives to help foster a deeper connection to spirit and wisdom from the past.


I first came across this book at a local metaphysical trade show and was instantly impressed at the amount of practical information the author Jane Alexander has been able to provide in this compact 96 page book.  As the title suggests “The Smudging and Blessings Book” is primarily focused on introducing people to the ancient tradition of space clearing, also referred to as “smudging”.  As described on page 40 in this petite powerhouse of a book, smudge ceremonies are practiced all over the world, and is a vital component in almost every modern and ancient spiritual practice.  Smudging is used to cleanse the energetic aura of sacred tools and spaces, by burning plants, woods or resins and allowing the smoke to clear the space and banish any unwanted energy that may have accumulated on the tool or in the surrounding space.

What I really enjoyed about this book, is that it covers a broad scope of many complementary ritual practices that can be incorporated into everyday sacred ceremonies.  Some of the related spiritual/healing modalities discussed in the book include; healing crystals, essential oils, working with animal spirits, learning about chakra energy, honoring nature, and explaining why it’s important for families to practice rituals together.

Excerpt from page 68:

The Importance of Seasonal Rituals:

“We are all children of the earth, and the deep rhythms of nature run through us as surely as they do through the woods and the wild creatures.  The ancient festivals celebrated and revered the cycles of life: birth, maturity, death, and, above all, change.”

The best thing about "The Smudging and Blessings Book," is the simplistic approach in which all rituals are described.  Rituals are described in a step-by-step manner and are very easy to incorporate into busy modern lives.  My favorite ritual is the space clearing process described on page 22.

In conclusion, Jane Alexander has done a fantastic job at compiling a very comprehensive guide to ancient traditions.  The book is simple to follow and doesn’t require any extravagant tools or other complicated mechanisms to begin practicing the ancient tradition of smudging.  The content of the book has been tailored in such a way, that a novice to a well initiated spiritual practitioner will gain new insights into ancient spiritual practices.

We have a limited number of bundles that include this wonderful book available to purchase.  If you are interested in this bundle, please see the product description at the bottom of this review.

This bundle includes everything you need to get started to incorporate the ritual of smudging into your sacred practice:

  • The Smudging and Blessings Book
  • Beautiful Abalone Shell
  • 1 Stick of Palo Santo
  • 1 White Sage Smudge Stick
  • 1 Clear Quartz Pocket Stone for Purification (From India)
  • 1 Small Black Tourmaline Crystal for Protection & Grounding (from Madagascar)
  • 1 Natural Chunk of Lepidolite for Peace & Harmony (from Brazil)
  • 1 Natural Chunk of Rose Quartz (from Brazil)
  • 1 Selenite 2 Inch Tower for Cleansing

Thank you!

Many kind regards,


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