Online Crystal Shop - Crystals and Minerals from India
Apricot Aventurine Natural Chunks from India
$ 3.99
Apricot Aventurine Pocket Stone from India
$ 10.00
Bloodstone Pocket Stones from India
Bloodstone Tumbled Crystals from India
$ 2.00
Blue Kyanite Bracelets from India
$ 40.00
Buddha or Hindu Dieties Bracelets from India
Fancy Agate Carved Virgin Mary/Goddess from India
$ 145.00
Fancy Bloodstone Natural Chunks from India
$ 5.99
Fancy Jasper Carved Elephant from India
$ 35.00
Fancy Jasper Gemstone Bracelet from India
$ 12.99
Fancy Jasper Natural Chunks with Dendritic Patterns from India
Fancy Jasper Pocket Stone from India
Fancy Jasper Virgin Mary/Goddess Carving from India
$ 150.00
Fuschite Pocket Stones from India!
Garnet Natural Chunks from India
Green Fuschite Natural Chunks from India
Green Jasper Natural Chunks from India
Green Jasper Pocket Stone from India
Green Jasper Tumbled Crystals from India
$ 1.50
Honey Calcite Tumbled Stones from India
$ 4.99
Imperial Green Aventurine Natural Chunks from India
Iolite Gemstone Bracelet from India
$ 13.99
Iolite Natural Chunks from India
$ 2.99
Iolite Tumbled Stones from India
Moss Agate Natural Chunks from India
Moss Agate Tumbled Crystals from India
Pink Aventurine Natural Chunks from India
Polarized Moonstone Tumbled Crystals from India
Red Jasper Buddha Carving from India
$ 275.00
Red Jasper Pocket Stones from India
$ 15.00
Red Moss Agate Agate Virgin Mary /Goddess Carving from India
Red Moss Agate Carved Virgin Mary/Goddess from India
Ruby and Fuschite Natural Chunks from India
Ruby and Fuschite Pocket Stone from India!
$ 12.00
Ruby and Fuschite Tower from India
Ruby and Kyanite Tower from India
$ 216.00
Ruby Chamki Natural Chunks from India
Sardonyx Pocket Stone from India
Sardonyx Tumbled from India
Sunstone and Apatite Tower from India
Sunstone Natural Chunks from India
Sunstone Tower from India
$ 39.99
Tree Agate Natural Chunks from India
Tumbled Fancy Jasper from India
Yellow Aventurine Natural Chunks from India
Yellow Aventurine Pocket Stones from India