November Astrological Forecast - By Ines Heals

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Monk and Moon Newsletter

Scorpio Season 2018

By Ines Heals

Looking ahead: Scorpio season

Libra season brought with it a deeper consideration of the role Venus plays in our lives; on both our personal and collective levels of experience. Personally, we were urged to look at our value systems and how they impact our relationship to finances, self-worth and partnerships, and to what degree we are able to maintain harmonious connections with others in our lives. Collectively, we were asked to reflect on the meaning of justice in a global sense, and the way that it is maintained by our judicial and political systems. Alongside Venus retrograde, which will continue into Scorpio season and turn direct November 16th, the conclusions that are drawn forth from this time period have a lasting impact on the way we work with and honour the role that Venus plays in our experience of collective reality. The ideological movements that are taking place during this time make it very obvious that the role of Venus demands to be reinstated as the balancing force to the projective, masculine energy of Mars. Astrologically, it is Mars (action) that responds to Venus, ideally assuring that the decisions that are made moving forward honour the values of longevity, diplomacy and peace.

In Scorpio, the balance of Libra tips more fully in favour of the spiritual ego. We prepare to enter the Winter period of internal work and rebirth, set in motion by the release of what is no longer serving us, just as the trees release their leaves in full trust that a new season of fruition will once again arrive. The spiritual warrior of Scorpio energy always moves in the direction of raw authenticity upheld and maintained by a continual process of shedding and rebirth. This continuous cycle is made possible by the grounded presence of this sign energy, enabling it to move through life with awareness + acceptance of the intensity of its experiences, giving it a strength of spirit that refuses to enter into a power struggle with its environment.

In this phase of our yearly cycle, it is imperative that we trust the pain that surfaces as our medicine for rebirth. In this way, we invite what is no longer serving our personal empowerment to go through its process of transformation and release, and in doing so serve both our individual growth and the collective growth of our planet. This commitment to the life force and to staying in a higher vibration of awareness takes a lot of focus and courage, and demands that we show up for our spiritual values every day. It may be the most challenging work of our being- but it is likewise the most fruitful in fully shifting our paradigm and elevating our consciousness. Why do we want to elevate our awareness in this way? Because coming at life from this level means being in control of our life-force and creative energy, which means we begin to co-create with divine will so that by the time Sagittarius season comes around, we are fully mobilized to start manifesting more good in our lives. Individuals manifesting more good in their lives means a collective experience that is more healing, positive and life-affirming. This is the only way our world will change for the better, and these processes are already set in motion by cosmic forces that are much greater than any collection of individuals in power.

Lunar cycles

October 24th: Full Moon in Taurus

This Full Moon takes the themes of Venus retrograde and illuminates them with the force of the Sun and an energetic push from the planetary rebel of the solar system, Uranus. With the Full Moon within one degree of conjunction from Uranus and the Sun in a close conjunction with Venus, Aphrodite stands on the edge of the cosmic world and expresses something very tender from her current station in the celestial underworld (Venus’ retrograde is symbolically expressed through the narrative of Persephone’s descent into the underworld, as the planet is no longer visible in the night sky): “the winds that blow through the fine hairs that fall delicately onto the sensual vessel that is my body are the winds of liberation. I ask you to illuminate the value of kindness, unconditional love, equality, co-operation and fusion, so you too, can be reborn with me. I assume my rightful role as your illumined equal, as the law-giver and protector of nature; as the divine caretaker of your experience of beauty, pleasure and all that is good and true in life, originating from the birthplace of your heart. Dance with me and you will discover the liberation you are seeking.”

November 7th: New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon continues the narrative of Venus opposing Uranus contained in Aphrodite’s sage words alongside the Full Moon. We rebel now against the rejection of the true values represented by Venus. Relationally, this can mean coming face to face with individuals in our lives who do not manage the delicate balance of detachment and fusion in the way we would like them to. Some are perhaps too detached, unable to engage with us at the level that is required in order for them to provide us with a mirror that allows us to move forward in our spiritual growth. Others rely too heavily on our presence for love and validation, expressing the fusional side of Venus to an extreme, and by doing so weigh heavily on our freedom and authentic self-expression. What balance do we personally strike between these two extremes of relating? Scorpio calls for independence based in our ability to resolve our emotional struggles by means of our own efforts and willingness. And yet we must also maintain trust and vulnerability with others in order to remain in closeness and to receive support for our journey from the souls who chose to live it alongside us. The question of the management of our attachment to people, experiences, substances, all comes out in Scorpio. Be mindful of where you stand enface these questions and set your intentions to release the attachments that do not serve your growth in life.


Ines Heals Bio



 Ines Heals is an Esoteric Astrologer, Reiki Practitioner, and Flower Essence Therapy Practitioner based in Montreal, Canada. Her healing practice focuses on the development of profound self-knowledge to empower clients on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level, so that they can move forward in alignment with their divine purpose and authentic life path. You can book an astrology reading with her or check out what other services and products she has to offer via and follow @ines.heals for daily guidance from the stars!


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